(from the December 2007 SHAF Newsletter)
by Dr Paula Reed
SHAF planned and presented a four-part Civil War lecture series at the annual Sharpsburg Heritage festival on Saturday, September 15. In addition, SHAF members and friends manned a booth at the festival. A breezy bright day brought out a sizable crowd throughout the day along Mechanic Street just south of the town’s square.
Just after noon and in front of SHAF’s tent, two bands, the Confederate 2nd Maryland Fife and Drum Corps and the Union Pennsylvania Wildcat Regiment Band, faced off in a musical duel to the delight of the crowd. A variety of foods and crafts completed the displays while the lecture series provided historical information and background for attendees.
SHAF’s lecture series featured four presentations beginning with the Reverend John Schildt who spoke on “Four Days in October: Lincoln’s Visit to Antietam” at 9:30 am. The second lecture was by John Nelson at 1:30 PM. “The Sublimest Spectacle that Mortals Ever Gazed Upon: How Newspapers Covered the Battle of Antietam.” At 2:00 PM Tom Clemens spoke on “Why Sharpsburg: Lee’s Intentions in the Maryland Campaign.” The fourth speaker was Dana Shoaf who presented “Odyssey of a Field Officer: John I. Nevin of the 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry” All the SHAF lectures took place in Christ Reformed Church which features newly restored historic stained glass windows funded in part through a donation by SHAF.
The day and evening were filled with other speakers in addition to SHAF’s series, plus music, tours, demonstrations and exhibits.