SHAF Replaces Hospital Sign Markers

One of the most successful projects undertaken by SHAF was our marking of extant hospital sites used in the Maryland Campaign. Although we have not marked all of them, many private property owners have allowed us to place signs along the road that inform visitors of the location of the significant hospitals. Our first effort at this, undertaken in the late 1980’s was aided by the donation of the signs by the Baltimore Civil War Round Table.

Pry Mill site

The importance of marking these sites is not only to educate the visitor, but also to raise local awareness of the importance of historical properties in the area. If neighbors and local citizens recognize that a house or barn has historical importance they are less likely advocate tearing them down. Awareness helps us save history. Sometimes it is that simple. We place these signs in cooperation with the property owner, at no cost to them. Most people are very enthusiastic supporters of this project and many positive comments have come in over the years.

Crystal Spring site

After almost 20 years, these signs are beginning to show their age, thus the replacement campaign. The old wooden signs are coming down to be replaced by new light-weight high impact plastic. We’ve begun with a half dozen signs in the Sharpsburg area, but others will be done in the next year. If any of our members are aware of one of our signs that needs replacing, please go to and let us know. Thank you.

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